Este es un lugar para dar a conocer los eventos: actividades, proyectos, logros y situaciones cotidianas de la Biblioteca y de la escuela Juan Morel Campos.
Ivonne Rivera Rivera, MLS. M.Bibliotecaria
martes, 1 de marzo de 2016
From February 28 to March 5 2016, we are celebrating English Week. Our third, fourth and fifth graders students have created a lot of gorgeous projects as: Pictionaries, Collages, Time Lines, and Big Books, among others. The little ones, kinder to second grade, have been demonstrated their musical and kinestetic talents. They are having Sing Along activities, and also they have prepared an exhibition of their works.
2 comentarios:
Congratulations to all the English teachers during their week!
Congratulations to all the English teachers during their week!
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